Andy Bayon's
Inventure Coaching
Your Inventure
The ultimate adventure is to go within to see what you’re really capable of. My intention as your coach is to help you see the gifts in your challenges; the gems waiting to be discovered in the muck.
My superpower is to help you remove the obstacles you can’t see so you can proceed unobstructed toward the fulfillment of your ambitions.
Andy Bayon's
Inventure Coaching
Your Inventure
The ultimate adventure is to go within to see what you’re really capable of. My intention as your coach is to help you see the gifts in your challenges; the gems waiting to be discovered in the muck.
My superpower is to help you remove the obstacles you can’t see so you can proceed unobstructed toward the fulfillment of your ambitions.
Please check out this short video about the Inventure Coaching method.
You have something you want to accomplish or experience and you find yourself stuck. I can help you with that.
I’ll show you how to get past your blocks so you can move forward quickly and with results that will surprise you.
The Inventure Coaching method stands on the shoulders of all effective coaching techniques and adds the spirit of going on an adventure. This involves risk, facing fears, and delivers exhilarating payoffs all along the way just like an adventure you’d have exploring an incredible place on Earth.
In this adventure we’re going within. We’re going inside to unlock all the possibilities and capabilities within you just waiting to be tapped. Most of us are quite amazed when we discover what we’re truly capable of doing.
There are very few things in life that we can accomplish alone. Making our own dreams and goals a reality is not one of those things we can easily figure out by ourselves. With a great coach at your side your goals will be within reach, and in far less time than it could take you alone. Think of me as your Sherpa guide so you can get the most out of conquering Everest the first time you try.
Of course, you’re a unique one-of-a-kind person and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. So it takes a conversation or two to see how taking on a coach like me will benefit you, or not.
Call me and let’s have that conversation.
Let's Talk
Send me a message using this secure form so we can start a conversation, or contact me at +1 (508) 272-8738 by voice or text.
Be adventurous! I would love to hear what you’re out to accomplish.
(Your information won’t be used for any other purpose and is not kept on this website.)
Andy's Blog
Moving Through My Fears
I love coaching because it’s an opportunity for me to function as a mirror for the truth inside of all of us. I have spent years developing my ability to really listen. This is part of what I feel makes me an excellent guide for my friends and clients who embark on life’s great adventures.
Avoid Self-Doubt: Listening To Your Own Voice
Describing someone else’s expectations of me, a friend once asked, “Did you elect that person judge of your life or was it an appointed position?”
Guest Post: Andy Helped Me Find This Incredible “Gem In The Muck”
Here’s my personal story of what it’s like to have Andy as a coach, and how my adventure within allowed me to deliver remarkable results so far, many of which didn’t require the courage I thought they did, but intead just a change in the way I looked at things.
Leggo My Ego
“Catch and Release” works like this: when I experience the ego ping… when my heart starts racing… when I want to say something that I imagine may not be too nice to receive on the other end, I first say to myself: STOP. What’s happening here? Is there something that needs to be said? Or is this me feeling sorry for myself or being needy? Am I making this all about me? It’s about CATCHING the ego in the act. Catching it red-handed looking for evidence of disconnection – and then letting it go. RELEASING these disempowering stories and thoughts so that I can focus my energy and attention where I actually want it to go.